15 November 2016


凌晨4点05分, 是睡不着还是不想睡都已经搞不懂了。开着电脑,有着许多事该做,却翻着面子书,什么都不想做。上传了这张照片,看见你点了赞,突然好开心。是刚好看见了,还是你其实一直有在关注我?昨晚翻回了许多关于你的东西,你的照片,你的信息,你的留言,你的礼物。。。眼眶瞬间又湿了。这一年里,无数次有冲动想问你,我们真的回不到从前了吗?即使自己心里很清楚知道答案,却还是奢望会有一线的希望,会有那么一次的奇迹。这一年里,你会不会也像我一样在想你?这个被遗忘的角落,会不会有天会被你记起?我们的故事,还会有下集吗?

15 August 2016

New Life~New Beginning~ New Me~

      It's been 5 years since the last post of this blog. Time flies, everything had change, we all had graduate, you have your own life, and so am I. Something unexpected had happened to me, it was an incident that I never thought about, it was a bad dream and it comes so suddenly. Luckily the problem had solved, maybe should say luckily the problem was able to be solved with money.

      Well just forget about it since that was really a bad dream to me. A lot of dept out there, I was unable to clear it.Non-stop asking myself, why would this happened even though I knew the answer but I just unable to change my bad attitude and habit that cause all this to happen. I was too lazy, although I'm now an owner of a cafe. It was really an unexpected achievement, at the age of 24, I owned a house and a cafe but at the same time, I lost you. You're now not longer mine. I miss you so much, how I wish we are still together. Maybe that was the best ending to both of us. Or  maybe, we will still be together in the future? who knows. Just let it going naturally, God know the best arrangement.

      15th August 2016, I'm writing this to remind myself to stop being lazy. I'm not longer a child, is time to be a real man, a man that will fight for what he want, a man that able to protect the one he love, a man that able to carry a huge responsibility to himself, friends and family. I know that I'm not a perfect guy, always making trouble and need someone to lend me a hand. Thanks a lot to those that keep helping me, always offer help to me when I'm in trouble, thanks so much to those who love me, who care about me and sorry so much for always let you guys down, I know some of you must be very dissapointed on me. I promised that I will change, I promise that I will be a better me, a real man. Cheers Jason!!!